Thursday 24 January 2013

Hatcher legacy - Angelica ( Matriarch )

Due to my game dying on me yesterday and somehow deleting the screenshots I took from the beginning , I will be posting the legacy as of them making the house bigger and the birth of Angelicas 2nd child.

Ill give a little background info , Angelica has ambitions of being a top politician but these plans were put on the back burner when she discovered that a certain celebrity had the hots for her. It was a quick whirlwind romance that ended up with her being pregnant with her daughter Marisol. 

Darian decided to make an honest woman out of her and marry her privately before many sims caught on about their bastard child.

After  Marisol was born , Darian and Angelica decided it was high time to upgrade their abode , with a spare bedroom , just in case. It wasn't long after upgrading the house that Angelica discovered she was pregnant , however due to a lack of funds , she hasn't yet told Darian , just in case he decides its too much and leaves her.

Marisol has just aged into a child and is growing by the day , she loves painting and did a wonderful portrait of her mother for the house. Angelica has also grown from a beautiful young adult to a respectable mother and loving wife. However she's also beginning to suffer from a mid-life crisis. And here is where I begin our tale ( including photos and everything else :) ). ps not sure why this picture of Marisol is blurry :/.

After getting home from a horrible day at work , Angelica cant help but wonder , what she could've made with her life. A fling that was sure fun at the time resulted in an almost forced marriage , perhaps she was wrong and didn't really love Darian? Was it really worth her being miserable for the rest of her life , just to give her children a chance at having a normal family? She shook her head firmly , quickly making up her mind , this was it. It ends now.

She found him , downstairs in study. Where else would she find a lazy , technological genius? She slowly explained how she felt , telling him every last detail , hoping that her brutal honesty would let this end on a good note , that they could still be friends , for their childrens sake.

It couldn't have gone any more badly than it did. Darian flipped out after she broke the news and was so mad , he turned into his werewolf form , seeking vengeance against Angelica. Angelica , being pregnant and already stressed about the pending divorce , fainted out of shock. (Note: she has seen him transform plenty of times but it still freaks her out for some reason ).

Before Angelica could recover , Darian fled to the bathroom , tears of angry and hurt filling his eyes. He didn't understand , where did he go wrong? he did nothing but love her and Marisol unconditionally but yet that still wasn't good enough! He felt as if a terrible force had just sucked all the happiness out of him. How was Marisol going to react? And would he ever see her again?

 As Angelica regained conciousness , she exited the study , hearing a pitiful moan emanating from the bathroom. "He's in their crying , heartbroken , all because of me" she whispered to herself sadly."Maybe i was wrong , maybe I should have stuck this out and it would've fixed itself". before she had time to finish her thought , Darian emerged from the bathroom , eyes tinged red. He glared at her. "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!" Angelica attempted to reason with him "Im sorry , I just don't know what or how to think at the moment. getting old and this baby are.." Darian stopped her mid sentence "baby? what do you mean baby? Marisol is at school". 

Angelica nervously grabbed her elbows , her go to comfort when put on the spot and nervous. "Well uh.." was all she could manage before Darian interrupted. "Your pregnant?! when were you planning on telling me? Or were you never going to tell me?" Angelica stepped back , frightened at how angry he was.

 Darian started to yell again.
"What about Marisol? Will I ever get to see her again? Is she even my daughter?" Angelica looked up shocked "Of course she's your daughter , and this baby is yours too".

Darian ran his fingers through his long brown hair , unsure of his next move. Angelica went to move towards and comfort him. He held his hand out , stopping her "I don't want anything to do with you , but you cant stop me from seeing my kids". "Id never do that to you , you know that "Angelica said in barely a whisper. Darian smirked at her "yeah , I also thought wed live happily ever after". With that , he turned towards the front door and left.


  1. Oh poor poor Darian!! Those hormones are doing terrible things to Angelica :(

    A note: I don't know if you'd want to do this, but you can hide the thought bubbles and plumbobs and stuff from appearing in your game and therefore, photos by opening the cheat box and type hideheadlineeffects true.

    I do though, really enjoy the way you've integrated all of them into the story you're telling - they seem to fit and it's clear that your story is what you played.

  2. thanks for the lovely feedback :) i know you can hide them , i just like to keep them as i can expand the story by showing their thoughts :D
